Cement flooring: a little introduction

from Tobias KleinUpdated on 19.05.2022

Aplikace samonivelační stěrky

Concrete floor, cement floor, epoxy, anhydrite, paint, screed, filler... Do you know the differences? Do you know the terminology of flooring? So that it is not so simple, some also have several names. So let's look at it from the ground up.

When someone says concrete floor, he usually means the very bottom layer, which is on the ground. This is very thick, it can be 20 cm, and it is quite simply the raw subfloor. Pay special attention to the quality of this sub-concrete, because it is usually made during construction and already remains forever. Similarly to the wall made of bricks, which is subsequently plastered, the concrete floor also receives additional cement or other top layers.

Even in subsequent renovations, only this top layer is considered. It can be sanded and replaced, primed and painted, cracks can be repaired, dirt can be vacuumed, etc. Everything depends on what kind of surface material was chosen. Possibility of renovation is also quick installation of tiles Terramondi. PVC tiles Terramondi can be laid on concrete floor of different quality.

Many upper layers to choose from

For example, cement, epoxy, anhydrite floor or even a trowel layer is applied to the sub-concrete. Epoxy floor you often see also under the name poured resin floor and it is used more and more often lately. It is suitable for industrial plants, but also for garages and apartments (it conducts heat well, so it is also suitable for bathrooms), but it is somewhat expensive. Good thermal conductivity also have anhydrite floors, but they are not particularly suitable for bathrooms, because they can not withstand continuous moisture. We will look at these floors in detail in the next article.

And cement floors? We'll take a look at them now

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Repair of a concrete floor - self-leveling putty

What all are cement floors?

Cement floors also include poured concrete floors, self-leveling leveling compounds/mixtures, screeds, and sprinkled floors. Although it may not appear so at first glance, all of these contain cement. As has already been said, they are applied as a top layer of the concrete slab and are therefore quite thin - usually 0.5 - 1 cm.

What distinguishes them?

Poured cement floor (it is also called concrete floor, but contains cement, hence this name) is suitable for homes, offices, shower corners and industry, it also resists moisture. It conducts heat and creates a perfectly straight surface.

Self-leveling cement putties (there are also anhydrite and epoxy putties) are good choice for DIYers who want to repair their floor themselves. They can do a lot, level old flooring and cover cracks. Since the application of concrete filler is also quite simple, it is one of the frequent solutions. It is sold as a powder, mixed with water. The resulting mass is applied to the floor and then dries. Inexperienced do-it-yourselfers are then usually amazed at how quickly the concrete filler dries.

Cement coatings and screed are applied in a similar manner. Screed is mixed with water, but the result is a stiffer mixture. The filler runs on the floor almost alone, screed does not. A coat of paint on the concrete is the thinnest of all these options for the concrete floor. It is a thin layer that helps protect the floor from moisture, mechanical wear, and the like, but it is only a temporary solution for a season or two. It is not particularly suitable for surface leveling.

A special category is scattered flooring. This is the only one of the above that must be applied to the fresh concrete, even before it hardens. It is a powder mixture containing cement, chemical additives and other fillers. This mixture is poured into the fresh concrete for higher resistance to mechanical damage and easier maintenance.

What is best for your needs?

It depends on what you want to achieve. If you want to improve the properties of the concrete floor, which is not yet there, you can consider spreading mixture. If you want to repair an older floor for home use, concrete paints and screeds will serve you best. Feel free to consult with a professional. You will now at least understand what he is talking about, when he will shower you with professional appointments.

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Concrete floor

Finally, concrete examples. For repairs of industrial floors are suitable thin-layer poured screed or self-leveling trowel. Quick renovation is also offered by Terramondi plastic tiles. For new floors can be used rather spreading mixtures.

Tobias Klein

Tobias Klein

Tobias Klein writes for terramondi technical articles about PVC tiles.
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